1. Group of fish that can breathe oxygen from the air
1. Glass or acrylic tank used to keep fish and aquatic plants
2. Graceful fish with long fins and vibrant colors
3. Genus of small freshwater pufferfish
4. Small, active fish found in Southeast Asia
5. Colorful fish with a distinct sword-like extension on its tail
6. Siamese fighting fish known for its vibrant colors
7. Small, peaceful fish known for their schooling behavior
8. Active and social fish often found in schools
8. Tropical fish species belonging to the Cyprinidae family
9. Hardy fish commonly kept in aquariums as pets
10. Common name for various species of armored catfish
11. Decaying wood used in aquariums to provide natural decoration and hiding spots
12. Bottom-dwelling fish known for their ability to clean up the substrate
13. Peaceful fish often used for algae control in aquariums
14. Labyrinth fish known for their unique breeding behavior
15. Common name for various aquatic fish with a shiny appearance
16. Inflatable fish known for its ability to puff up when threatened